The Tiffin Moose , offers it’s members a variety of social activities including leagues. Our leagues run year round with short breaks in-between. If you’re interested in joining a league or staring one, please speak to the Administrator for more information.

Available Leagues
Something to do… people to meet… friends to make.
Euchre League
Current Season: WEDNESDAY at 6:00 PM
The Tiffin Moose Euchre league’s current season begins April 5, 2023. The league meets each Tuesday at 6:00 PM. This season is currently CLOSED because it has already begun. If you’d like to join the Euchre League, watch for the signup form for next season at the main bar.
Dart League
We are currently looking for a member to start and manage this league. If you’re interested, please speak to the lodge Administrator.
Cornhole League
We are currently looking for a member to start and manage this league. If you’re interested, please speak to the lodge Administrator.
Pool League
We are currently looking for a member to start and manage this league. If you’re interested, please speak to the lodge Administrator.